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2018年全国同等学力申硕英语真题Section A

作者:学历在线网 来源:学历在线网 上传时间:2019-12-10 18:27:36

  Section A

  Directions: In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A, B and C, taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer sheet.

  Dialogue One

  A. How about you?

  B. Wanna join us?

  C. It’s a long weekend.

  Tina: I’m so glad the weekend’s finally here.

  Lewis: Me too. Imagine! 1 We’ve got three days in a row. Tina: So, where’re you going?

  Lewis: I don’t have any plan yet. I’ll just play it by ear. 2 Tina: We’re going to go hiking and camping in the mountains. Lewis: That sounds exciting!

  Tina: 3

  Lewis: Hm, let me think about it. I’ll let you know later. Dialogue Two

  A. And I’d like the cheapest flight available.

  B. What is your destination?

  C. And when will you be returning?

  Travel Agent: Freedom Travel. How can I help you?

  Caller: Yes, I’d like to make a flight reservation for the twenty-third of this month.

  Travel Agent: Okay. 4

  Caller: Well. I’m flying to Helsinki, Finland.

  Travel Agent: Okay. Let me check what flights are available. 5 Caller: Uh, well, I’d like to catch a return flight on the twenty-ninth. 6 Travel Agent: Okay. Let me see. Um, that’s flight 1070 from Salt Lake City to New York, Kennedy Airport, transferring to flight 90 from Kennedy to Helsinki. It’s

  only $980.

  Caller: Alright, let’s go with that.

  Section A


  【解析】通读对话,可知两人是在讨论如何过周末。根据空格处后所述,有连续 3

  天的假期(three days in a row),可知这个周末假期相对要长,因此选 C。 2.【答案】A

  【解析】蒂娜问路易斯周末有什么计划时,路易斯只是随兴而定(play it by ear),还没有计划。而空格后,蒂娜说了她们的计划,可以推知此处是路易斯是在问蒂娜打算怎么过周末。因此选 A。

  3. 【答案】B

  【解析】路易斯听了蒂娜的计划,觉得不错,而对话最后路易斯表达了需要考虑下再告知蒂娜,可以推知此处是蒂娜在问路易斯要不要加入,因此选 B。



  路易斯:我也一样。想像一下,这个长周末我们有连续 3 天的假期。蒂娜:所以,你打算去哪?

  路易斯:目前没有任何计划。我只是随兴而定。你呢? 蒂娜:我们打算去山中徒步和露营。



  4. 【答案】B

  【解析】订购机票对话场景。根据空缺处后一句:我将飞往芬兰的赫尔辛基。可以推知此处是询问目的地,因此选 B。

  5. 【答案】C

  【解析】根据空缺处后一句打电话人说的:我想乘坐 29 号的飞机回来,可以推知此处是询问往返的时间,因此选 C。

  6. 【答案】A

  【解析】根据对话最后服务人员所述的机票情况及价格仅 980 美元。可知推知此处打电话者想要最便宜的机票,因此选 A。



  打电话者:是的,我想预定一张本月 23 号的飞机票。旅行社:好的,你想飞往那里?



  打电话者:呃,我想乘坐 29 号的飞机回来。嗯,我想要最便宜的机票。

  旅行社:好的,我查一下,呃.. 1070 次航班,从盐湖城飞往纽约,在肯尼迪机场

  再转机 90 次航班从肯尼迪飞往赫尔辛基。仅 980 美元。打电话者:好的,就订那个。
